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- Pimples on your penis may not actually be acne but could be due to an STI or razor burn.
- If you notice a pimple-like bump on your penis, reach out to a doctor to determine the cause.
- Most bumps on the penis can be treated with medications, creams, or in-office procedures.
- Visit Insider's Health Reference library for more advice.
Any area of your body with skin and oil glands can be susceptible to acne – including your penis. However, the chances of getting a pimple in your nether regions is rare, says Stanton Honig, MD, a urologist at Yale Medicine. It is more common to have acne on the face, back, and chest.
Pimples on your penis are mostly harmless; however, those bumps may not be acne and, instead, could be a sign of something more serious like an STI.
Here are seven causes of bumps on the penis and how to treat them.
1. Pimples
The skin on your penis has hair follicles, which can become clogged by acne-causing oil, dead skin cells, and debris, says Michele Green, a dermatologist with a private practice in New York City.
"Acne on the penis can appear as small bumps and look like a typical whitehead, blackhead, or pimple. It is generally located on the shaft and may or may not cause discomfort," says Green.
According to Green, some of the factors that could increase your risk of penis pimples include:
- Oily skin, which is more prone to clogged pores and breakouts
- Sweat, like from exercising, can clog your pores
- Tight-fitting clothing, which could trap oil or sweat against your skin
- Poor hygiene habits, like wearing unwashed clothes, or not showering after a workout
How to treat it: "Pimples on the penis will most likely disappear on their own after several days. Therefore, they are best left alone," says Green.
Since the skin in this area is thinner and much more sensitive than other areas, she doesn't recommend traditional over-the-counter acne medications as they can be too harsh and potentially create more irritation.
2. Fordyce spots
Fordyce spots appear as elevated white, yellow, or red spots about 1 to 5 millimeters in size.
They are genetic and occur in areas where your skin has oil glands, but not hair follicles. Fordyce spots are most common on the lips, but sometimes appear on the genitals.
About 50% to 80% of people have them at birth. However, they may become larger and more noticeable from puberty onwards due to hormonal changes, says Green.
How to treat it: "Fordyce spots are common, harmless, and do not need treatment," says Honig. These spots often go away on their own. However, if you wish, you can opt for dermatological procedures such as laser therapy or cryotherapy for cosmetic reasons.
3. STIs
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) result in genital lesions that can look similar to pimples, says Green.
STIs that cause bumps on the genitals include:
- HPV, which causes genital warts
- Herpes, which causes painful ulcers, blisters, or bumps
- Syphilis, which causes ulcers on the penis
According to Green, signs your penile bumps could be due to STIs include:
- You are sexually active or have been in the past
- The lesions are causing discomforts such as itching, burning, or pain
- You have a fever, rash, or other symptoms
How to treat it: "STIs should always be diagnosed and treated by a medical professional who can run the appropriate tests to determine the best course of treatment," says Green.
Treatment often involves antibacterial or antiviral medication, depending on which infection you have.
4. Penile papules
Pearly penile papules are small, raised, skin-colored bumps that can appear around the penis head.
Anywhere between 8% to 43% of people with penises have them, and they are more common in people who are uncircumcised. They typically appear in late adolescence or early adulthood and fade as you get older.
"These papules are not contagious and won't do any harm," says Green.
How to treat it: These bumps are benign and don't require treatment. Cosmetic procedures, like a CO2 laser procedure performed by a dermatologist, can permanently remove them, says Green.
5. Razor burn
Shaving, waxing, or plucking your pubic hair can inflame hair follicles and cause razor burn. Razor burn may cause pimples, pus-filled blisters, skin lesions, or razor bumps, which are ingrown hairs that curl back into the skin.
Symptoms of razor burn include:
- Itching
- Burning
- Tenderness
How to treat it: Razor burn bumps will go away on their own with time, says Honig. In the meantime, "applying aloe vera to the affected area can help soothe the irritation. If the skin becomes infected, your dermatologist or primary care physician may prescribe a topical antibiotic cream to help with the symptoms," says Green.
6. Tyson glands
"Tyson glands can be identified as yellow or white bumps underneath the head of the penis," says Green. Like Fordyce spots, Tyson glands are also oil-producing glands and whether you have them or not may be genetic.
How to treat it: Tyson glands are harmless and don't cause any symptoms. They don't require treatment as they are a natural part of the anatomy of the penis, says Green.
7. Molluscum contagiosum
Molluscum contagiosum is a viral skin infection that is especially common in children under the age of 10. However, adults - particularly those who are immunocompromised - can get it as well.
Molluscum contagiosum can cause skin lesions on any part of the body, except the palms and soles of the feet. The lesions are often firm, round, pink, white, or flesh-colored, and have a dimple in the center. They may be itchy and can become red or inflamed. Scratching them can cause the lesions to spread in a line or crop up in groups.
Since molluscum contagiosum spreads through contact with skin or contaminated objects, such as clothing, towels, or toys, it is highly contagious and should be treated as soon as possible, says Green.
How to treat it: Treatment may consist of surgery or laser therapy to remove the bumps, says Green. While this gives rapid results, it could result in scarring. Meanwhile, medication or topical cream can take weeks or months to work.
Insider's takeaway
It is possible to develop pimples on your penis, although the chances of that happening are low.
Luckily, pimples on the penis are harmless, and you can prevent penile acne by showering often and wearing loose-fitting clothes, says Green.
In fact, if you notice a bump on your penis, it's more likely to be something else. If you're experiencing other symptoms related to infection, you may have an STI and should get it checked out by a medical professional.